Sustainability policy
We believe that the key to good relationships with our community, employees and stakeholders is based on good communication.
We share our success stories to encourage other companies to care for the environment.

We guarantee the necessary efforts to comply with 100% of the regulations that frame our activities in order to fulfill our commitments both legally and responsibly.
Legal Compliance

At DAI we have a management system that prioritizes the prevention of environmental impacts to protect air, soil, water and biodiversity.
Impact Prevention

We are confident that we are on the right track, but we continue to seek measures to improve management and environmental performance and to preserve the environment.
Continuous Improvement
A company
with the environment
Our Commitment
Producing a clean, low-impact and socially responsible asphalt mix is today a priority for DAI.
We have reinvented ourselves, modifying processes and procedures in all areas of the company to generate awareness and commitment among our employees and managers with the aim of preserving the environment.

We OFFSET 100% of the area of our environmental license. We are aware of the diversity and value of our natural resources.
Environmental compensation
Compensation for
Construction Activities
While we carry out our activities, we offset 100% of the area of our environmental license by planting more than 3,000 tree individuals of native species from the region , in areas of aquifer recharge or of ecological importance.

Environmental Management
We have a multifunctional team led by an environmental professional whose permanent commitment is to follow up on our actions, monitor our impacts and propose new measures.

technologies and innovation
At DAI we research and implement the best environmental measures available. We also use cutting-edge technology to achieve environmental planning with the future in mind.

El Pencal is the village of Mosquera closest to our area of operations. We donate our time as professionals to this community to improve the lives and education of 40 children.

It is essential for us and especially for the health of our employees.
In addition to having the emission permits required by the authorities, we implement a comprehensive air quality plan at the plant and quarry that includes, among many other measures:
Paving of access and internal roads.
Physical isolation of sources and conveyor belts.
Humidification of patios and roads that emit dust.
Living and physical barriers to prevent dust suspension.
State-of-the-art control technologies with efficiencies reaching 99%.
Cost-effective strategies such as satellite speed control, training, and heretical cabins.

We are aware of the importance of soil and land for the environment and for us as part of it. We are already planning how to restore the original soil conditions for closure. However, in the current stage of exploitation we are already improving the organic layer. We have achieved this by:
Strict preservation of unexploited areas.
Recovery of areas where we will no longer exploit.
Reception and storage of black soil from construction sites (we prevent the most fertile soil in the country from ending up in a landfill).
We have a cooperation agreement with an environmental research company that provides us with liquid and solid fertilizers to promote the growth of plant species.

We live and share the environment with other animal and plant species. We know and are aware of the importance of Colombia's mega natural diversity and its ecosystem services. At DAI we want to be an active part of natural preservation in order to leave a legacy for future generations.
We promote the growth of native species.
We carry out reforestation within the mining title area.
We offset ALL the area we use for our activities by planting trees of native species from the region, in areas of aquifer recharge or of ecological importance.
We are located in a strategic place where rainfall is less than 36 mm/month. This condition makes the impact on water very low. Additionally, we have a water management plan that includes, among many other measures:
Rainwater recirculation with ambitious collection targets for the coming years.
ZERO use of water in the mining process (except for use for human consumption and dust suspension)
Treatment of 100% of water used in sanitary facilities and laundries.
Monitoring precipitation and improving runoff water quality
Hydrological modeling to determine where and what works to carry out for rainwater management.